don't interact if

homophobic,rascist,support child pn, an pro shipper, weirdo that just wants to date me without knowing me,likes to make jokes bout offing themself js to get me to talk to u, other basic dni stuff (don't care what fandom u in unless ur toxic)

before interacting

I need tone tags because I don't always know if it's a joke or not, I sometimes reply fast but when im not im always doing something else so when i be replying fast and stop don't get mad, i make lost of spelling mistakes i write fast and bad at spelling. if im just knowing you i will probs be dry cuz idk how to talk to someone new also don't know how to really keep a convo going.


Demon slayer,bsd,undertale,horror games,jacksepriceye,south park, vocaloid,sega,mario,hello kitty,kpop,jpop,tyler the creator,coryxkenshin,music,cooking,hazbin hotel, scott pilgrim